Gifted and Talented Education

State administrative code NJAC 6A:8-3.1 defines students who are gifted and talented as those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.

The Board of Education of the Elk Township School District recognizes gifted and talented as those students whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment are of a higher ability level.These programs and curricular modifications will also address the rigorous learning needs of gifted and twice-exceptional students. The identification process is developmentally appropriate, non-discriminatory, and aligned to the district's programs and services. It is, therefore, the intention of the Board of Education to implement differentiated instruction and programs in Kindergarten through grade six to support the growth of gifted and talented students.

Gifted and Talented Education
Policy used to identify students as Gifted & Talented students
Policy 2464 - Gifted and Talented Students (M)

Procedures used to identify students

The gifted and talented programs and opportunities are open to any student who meets two or more measures that include student performance on commercial/district assessments, exceed expectations in academics (SBG), teacher recommendations (supported by learning data), and/or exceed expectations on the NJSLA (grade level appropriate) as measured in a yearly snapshot.

The student should begin to or display characteristics such as:
Continuum of services offered to G&T students:
Procedures used to identify students

Criteria used for consideration for eligibility for the G&T services

Using a district snapshot gathered in early fall, mid-winter, and early spring, multiple data points regarding student learning is collected to identify those students who qualify for gifted and talented opportunities. Any student who meets two or more measures (at least one in ELA and one in Math) that include student performance on commercial/district assessments, exceeds expectations in academics, teacher recommendations (supported by learning data), and/or exceeds expectations on the NJSLA will qualify for gifted and talented services. Parent and/or student requests will be taken into consideration when viewing the multiple data points.

Once students have been identified for G&T, teachers, students, and families are notified in early fall of initial placement. G&T programs begin in October and end sometime in mid- to late May, depending on the completion of the projects. Classroom accommodations and modifications to challenge and support gifted students occur throughout the school year. Admission into the Gifted and Talented program occurs on a rolling basis three times per year to allow students access to the programming in light of academic growth during the year.

Questions or Complaints regarding Gifted & Talented services

Please review the above information and reach out to the individual Gifted & Talented teacher. If concerns or questions remain, please contact the principal. If concerns or questions still remain, please direct them to the superintendent in writing (a copy will also be forwarded to the county superintendent). Please refer to the following NJSA Statute regarding Gifted & Talented requirements: